Object discovery: management packs contains items necessary to discover managed objects. Discovery can be accomplished with registry , WMI, scripting, OLE DB, LDAP or custom code. If too much is discovered use override to limit the object discovery,
Monitors: which determine health information and make sure items are working within specifications. Raise an alert if no. only state change events are stored in the data warehouse for future reporting.
n Roll up monitors: aggregate rollup monitors, dependency roll up monitors.
n Unit monitors: SNMP, WMI performance, log files, windows events, windows services, windows performance counters, scripting, WMI events
Aggregate rollup monitors
is a collection of several other monitors, state can be monitored on either a best – case or worst case basis.
- Best case – if any one of the child monitors is healthy, the overall aggregate monitor will show up healthy.
- Worst case – if any one of the child monitors is not healthy, the overall aggregate monitor will not be healthy.
Dependency roll up monitor: very similar to roll up monitor but more flexible and granular
Example: Will raise an alert if 5 or 8 DNS servers are down.
Rules: a rule is capable of raising an alert to an operator, but the objects included in the rule cannot be monitored for health.
Tasks: like the name implies, an MP task is a method that performs some action based on rules that are defined. Among other actions a task can run a program or script or reset a failed service.
Views: customized look at items that might be unique to a particular management pack.
Knowledge: what caused a particular alert? How was it addressed?
Run as profile: discovering objects, running scripts and gathering information requires credentials that can access the appropriate resource.
Windows credentials
SNMP community string
Basic authentication
Digest authentication
Binary authentication
Action account
Overrides: is a way by which an operator can customize a sealed management pack.